About Upstate Action Alliance

The Upstate Action Alliance is a 501(c)(3), non-partisan organization supporting education, activation and advocacy efforts on social issues like voter rights and registration, redistricting, and electoral process. UAA has applied for 501©3 status, which is pending. And has filed non-profit status with the state of South Carolina.

The three pillars of Upstate Action Alliance:

  • The UAA seeks to increase the awareness of citizens and registered voters.

    Each election cycle, the UAA seeks to increase the awareness of citizens and registered voters as to important dates and events leading up to the election. This includes informing citizens and potential voters as deadlines for voter registration; timelines and requirements around absentee voting; polling locations, and Election Day requirements. The UAA does this by presenting and informing community organizations, attending civic meetings and aggressively using social media. We also walk individuals and civic minded groups to voting regulations and requirements as they pertain to South Carolina and our local jurisdictions.

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  • The UAA is the citizen’s advocate when it comes to voting issues and matters in the upstate.

    The UAA is the citizen’s advocate when it comes to voting issues and matters in the upstate. Working with organizations like the NAACP, The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, Black Voters Matters, and the League of Women Voters, the UAA is focused on protecting the rights of citizens to register and cast their votes.

    As part of our effort, we attend the meetings of the local Elections Board to make sure the rights of voting citizens are protected and that polls in communities remain open.

    We also advocate and testify before state legislative committees, City and County Councils, and School Boards to protect voter rights and to push for fairness in the electoral process.

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  • The UAA has a strategic plan that helps cast their votes more efficiently.

    Each election cycle, the UAA develops a strategic plan to help voters to cast their vote. This means giving reasons why their vote is so important and is such a vital element of our representative democracy. Our goal is to increase the number of voters for each election. While voter registration is important, registration does not equal voting. We work with civic groups and individuals to exercise our most sacred and vital component of Democracy…Voting! In doing so, we canvass neighborhoods, knock on doors, and attend community events to encourage and inspire citizens to vote.

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Our Mission

An overall belief of the organization is that we have to increase our citizen’s interest in the electoral process. Our goal is to educate the general public on community issues such as voting rights, local elections, redistricting, and the electoral process. UAA believes that increasing awareness, registration and turnout can only come through building strong community organization coalitions. In doing so, the UAA has established a working relationship with the Black faith community, Community Neighborhood Associations, local voter groups, Racial Equity organizations, local NAACP chapter, and state-wide redistricting coalitions.